With the recent upgrade of Firefox 54, my self-signed localhost SSL certificate stopped being trusted. I've been using a to install this certificate, and the technique has been working successfully for several years.
My samsung galaxy note is gone blank and saying `unfortunately application installer has stopped`. What does this mean. Galaxy s4 certificate installer has stopped.
Firefox uses its own certificate store, cert8.db which contains the certificate, verified using Firefox Preferences, Advanced, Certificates, View Certificates, Authorities. This is reproducible on both MacOS as well as Windows. I've attached a sample certificate for reference. This is identical to one we would install.
What changed in Firefox 54? I've reviewed the and can't find anything specific to how it trusts certificates. To mimic the CA-chain requirements mandated by Firefox 54, the following is required: • Keypair marked as a Root-CA, capable of generating an SSL certificate. • Second keypair marked for SSL which obtains a chained certificate from Root-CA To illustrate how this is done with Java keytool including the steps to create private keystores: # Create a Root-CA private keystore capable of issuing SSL certificates keytool -genkeypair -noprompt -alias my-ca -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -dname CN=localhost -validity 3650 -keystore. My-ca.jks -storepass pass77 -keypass pass77 -ext ku:critical=cRLSign,keyCertSign -ext bc:critical=ca:true,pathlen:1 # Export the Root-CA certificate, to be used in the final SSL chain keytool -exportcert -alias my-ca -keystore.
My-ca.jks -storepass pass77 -keypass pass77 -file. My-ca.crt -rfc -ext ku:critical=cRLSign,keyCertSign -ext bc:critical=ca:true,pathlen:1 # Create a container SSL private keystore (external localhost.foo.bar dns entry optional:IE11 domain intranet policy) keytool -genkeypair -noprompt -alias my-ssl -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -dname CN=localhost -validity 3650 -keystore.
My-ssl.jks -storepass pass77 -keypass pass77 -ext ku:critical=digitalSignature,keyEncipherment -ext eku=serverAuth,clientAuth -ext san=dns:localhost,dns:localhost.foo.bar -ext bc:critical=ca:false # Create a certificate signing request (CSR) from our SSL private keystore keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias my-ssl -file. My-ssl.csr -keystore. My-ssl.jks -keypass pass77 -storepass pass77 # Issue an SSL certificate from the Root-CA private keystore in response to the request (external localhost.foo.bar dns entry optional) keytool -keypass pass77 -storepass pass77 -validity 3650 -keystore. My-ca. Cara Install Driver Wifi Windows 7. jks -gencert -alias my-ca -infile.
My-ssl.csr -ext ku:critical=digitalSignature,keyEncipherment -ext eku=serverAuth,clientAuth -ext san=dns:localhost,dns:localhost.foo.bar -ext bc:critical=ca:false -rfc -outfile. My-ssl.crt # Import Root-CA certificate into SSL private keystore keytool -noprompt -import -trustcacerts -alias my-ca -file my-ca.crt -keystore my-ssl.jks -keypass pass77 -storepass pass77 # Import an SSL (chained) certificate into keystore keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias my-ssl -file my-ssl.crt -keystore my-ssl.jks -keypass pass77 -storepass pass77 -noprompt Once this is done, only the Root-CA certificate needs to be trusted by Firefox, and can be imported using the GUI or via AutoConfig script. The SSL server must be restarted using the new SSL private keystore, which will contain the chain of trust to work via SSL. Since my-ssl.jks contains the entire chain of trust my-ca.jks, my-ca.crt, my-ssl.crt and my-ssl.csr can all safely be deleted (assuming my-ca.crt has been imported properly).
What you'll probably want to do is generate another self-signed certificate with the same subject, issuer, and public key as the one you're trying to trust. However, instead of end-entity extensions, you'll want to specify that it's a CA certificate with 'basicConstraints:cA' and that it can issue certificates with 'keyUsage:cRLSign,keyCertSign'. It might also be a good idea to add a nameConstraints extension to restrict it to only apply to a certain set of domains.
If you add that certificate to Firefox's trust DB, everything should work as before.
Manually downloaded software updates can be verified manually If you manually download an Apple software update, you can confirm that the update is authentic and complete by verifying the digital signature before installation. • Double-click the software update package (.pkg) file to open the installer. Free Karaoke Downloads Karmaloop. • Click the lock or certificate icon in the upper-right corner of the installer window to see information about the certificate. If neither icon is present, the package is unsigned, and you shouldn't install it.
• Select 'Apple Software Update Certificate Authority,' as pictured below. If you see a different certificate authority, or the certificate doesn't have a green checkmark indicating that the certificate is valid, don't install the package. • Click the triangle next to the word 'Details' to see more information about the certificate. • Scroll to the bottom of the Details section to see the SHA1 fingerprint.
• Make sure that the SHA1 fingerprint in the installer matches one of the following fingerprints from Apple's current or earlier certificate. If they match, the signature is verified: click OK and allow the installer to continue. SHA1 FA 02 79 0F CE 9D 93 00 89 C8 C2 51 0B BC 50 B4 85 8E 6F BF SHA1 9C 86 47 71 48 B3 D7 04 24 7A 3C 3F 56 EA 2D E5 94 4B 01 C2 The installer automatically verifies the files in the package. If any file has an issue, installation stops without changes to your system, and you'll see a message that the installer encountered an error.