These plans are freely available from Crime Scene Choppers, they outline the construction of our frame jig as shown in Ron Covell's new 'Building a Chopper Chassis' video. Few of the dimensions or material callouts are critical. The width of part #6, the frame rail fixture, is determined by the ou tside width of your lower frame rails. Typically, the inside width is 8 3/8', so the outside width is 8.375 + 2 * the diamater of your frame tubing. Check the alignment of your parts carefully as you work, a warped jig is worse than no jig at all! 7 8 6 5 4 4 6 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 2 ITEM NO. D E S C R I P T I O N L E N G T H 1 2 T U B E, R E C T A N G U L A R 3.
1 3 9 6 2 2 B A R S T O C K, R E C T A N G U L A R. 5 x 2 F l a t B a r 9 6 3 5 T U B E, R E C T A N G U L A R 3. 1 3 6 4 2 T U B E, R E C T A N G U L A R 3.
1 3 2 3 5 2 T U B E, S Q U A R E 2. 1 3 1 0 6 2 B A R S T O C K, R E C T A N G U L A R 0. 2 5 x 2 f l a t b a r 3 7 1 T U B E, R E C T A N G U L A R 3. 1 3 2 4 8 1 T U B E, R E C T A N G U L A R 3. 1 7 9 10 5 3 8 8 6 1 3 2 1/2' thick plate, 6' wide x 7' long with 2' x 3' rect. Hole in center 6.000 7.000.750.750.500 Stitch weld 2' x.5' flat bar to 2' x 3' tube then set up in mill and machine a 1/2' slot for the length of the tube.
P A R T N U M B E R D E S C R I P T I O N Q T Y. 1 N e c k F i x t u r e 1 2 S l i d e r M e c h a n i s m 1 3 B o l t P l a t e 1 4 H H N U T 0.
Habit, included this kind of this chopper frame plans. By soft file of the book to read. PDF File: Chopper Frame Plans Page: 1. Title: Chopper Frame Plans. The Vigilante Stealth Bomber Style Chopper is a. 3800 Useful Chinese Sentences Pdf To Word. You can build this unique chopper frame out of. All of our plans are delivered as PDF files.
5 0 0 0 - 1 3 - D - N 1/2'-13 nut welded to top of #3 1 5 P i v o t P l a t e 1.75' x 1.75' square bar stock 2 6 N e c k P i v o t 1 7 a l l t h r e a d 3 / 4 ' - 1 6 t h r e a d e d r o d 1 8 N e c k C o n e 45 degree cone to hold steering neck 2 9 D K A - 1 3 R e i d T o o l 1 1 0 S D K A - 1 3 R e i d T o o l 1 I T E M N O. D E S C R I P T I O N L E N G T H 1 1 T U B E, R E C T A N G U L A R 2 x 3 x. 5 2 1 B A R S T O C K, R E C T A N G U L A R. 5 x 2 F l a t B a r 2 6.
The Atomic Zombie Vigilante stealth bomber style chopper takes bicycle chopper design to the cutting edge with an all square tube frame and a rear car wheel converted to work with a bicycle chain. This radical DIY chopper is styled after the edgy look of the radar evading stealth bomber, having no curved tubes and an ominous flat black look.
The entire Vigilante chopper frame is made out of thin walled square tubing, even the spokes that have been installed in the rear car rim. You can build this unique chopper frame out of just about any kind of tubing by following our step-by-step chopper plans, so you can create a very unique ride based on the materials you have on hand. The Vigilante cycle chopper plan shows you how to convert a steel car rim for use on a bicycle by creating a custom hub made from standard bicycle components. Every part on the Vigilante chopper is made from either square steel tubing or standard bicycle components, so you can carve out your own ultra stylish DIY chopper using materials you have on hand or acquire. The Vigilante chopper rides well and is easy to steer so it makes a decent street cruiser.
The strong steel frame has plenty of room for the addition of a small gas engine or a battery pack to power a front hub motor, so you can go motorized and cruise around with no effort at all. Every part of this radical DIY chopper is oozing with style, and our easy to follow plan leaves you plenty of room to include your own custom design ideas in order to create a one-of-a-kind show stopping ride. Atomic Zombie chopper plans include many pages of detailed text and high resolution photos so no step is left out and anyone with the most basic tools and skills will be able to follow along. Custom is all about doing it yourself. No mass produced department store chopper will ever have the kind of attitude that a home built chopper like the Vigilante will have - not even close!
Spark up your welder and crank out your own radical custom chop using our easy-to-follow DIY chopper plans. All of our plans are delivered as PDF files containing high resolution images and diagrams for optimal viewing and printing. They are not blueprints or CAD drawings (see our ). Important: Ensure that your email address is correct and valid, or you will not be able to receive the download links containing the plan(s) in a timely manner. If you do not receive the email containing the download link(s) within 48 hours of your successful order, it is possible that your email provider's filters have incorrectly flagged the message. Please check your email blocked/spam folder before contacting our Customer Service department.
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Scuba Dj Kicks Rar 320 Main. Thanks for your support! We hope you enjoy our plans and can't wait to see your photos in our gallery. If you need assistance on a project or would like to meet other likeminded builders, drop by our friendly bike builders forum. The Vigilante Stealth Bomber Style Chopper.