This mode shows the file textures that exist within the current Cinema 4D scene (defined by image or Bitmap shaders). Missing textures are highlighted with red color.
Symbols before the texture names indicate the following: • (tx) means that the original texture and the processed.tx texture are available. • [tx] means that only.tx texture is available (without the original unprocessed file).
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• A blank space before the file path means that no.tx texture is available, only the original unprocessed file exists. • ~~ means that the texture is missing or the path is incorrect. Texture column displays file name defined by the shader node.
Double click on the texture name opens a file browser to replace the texture with the selected file. Node column displays name of the material or shader node which defines the texture.
If the shader is within an Arnold Shader Network material then [material name] [shader name] is displayed. Double click on the name selects the node to make it available to edit in the Attribute Manager. Mudbox tile textures are not supported and will not be listed as scene textures. Searches the current scene for available textures and lists the texture paths in the Tx Manager window.
Selects all of the available texture files within the scene. Selects all textures that have not been processed as.tx files. Selects all textures that have missing files. Allows you to replace all selected textures by images found in a select a folder and its subfolders. This feature is the same as in the native Texture Manager's Relink function.
The frames text field under the asset/texture list allows you to select specific frames of image sequences to convert. Frame numbers are separated by semicolons, ranges can be defined by a dash. For example: 12;6;15-17;2 Replaces the given token in the selected textures. You can select which path of the file path should be replaced: • Full Path: replaces the token in the full path, directory and file name. • Directory: token will be replaced only in the directory but not in the file name. • Filename: token will be replaced only in the file name but not in the directory.
Preview of the new file paths are displayed in the New File Path column of the texture list. This feature is the same as in the native Texture Manager.
Uses the textures files that exist within the selected 'Textures Folder'. Option to search subfolders under the path set by the 'Textures Folder'. Starts the conversion of texture files to.tx file format.
If cancelled, this process will finish after the current file has been processed. Enables you to add to the conversion process. The default parameter uses the flags -u (update image) and --oiio (OpenImageIO). This option is available when using scene textures. When enabled texture path in the shader (Bitmap or image) is replaced with the generated.tx path.
Deletes.tx texture files of the selected textures. Path is restored to the original image if it exists next to the removed.tx file.