AAA has something called an 'international drivers permit' its different than a Saudi drivers license, but if you get one, then Saudi Arabia lets you drive. The IDP (international drivers permit) is based on some kind of treaty that 80 countries agreed to. There seem to be many other ways to get one, besides. Driving in Saudi Arabia. Foreign visitors may drive in Saudi Arabia with their valid original driver licenses and International driving permits for three months.
International Driver License Online International Driver's Document translate your official driver's license in multiple languages. Simple and easy to be used for any language speakers. This document contains a translation booklet, and a non-governmental ID card translate your national driver license in 9 languages which are English, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, Chinese, German, Spanish and French.
Simply apply our International Driver's Document will help you drive around the world without language barrier. International driver's permit issued by governmental agencies or private organizations designated by a country's government are the only official translation of a person's driver license. Our international driver's permit translation has no official status and does not confer any legal privileges or rights to consumers. Why do you need International Driver License from us? International Driver License is valid in all countries that have signed the 1949 Convention on Road Traffic and is recognized in many countries that are not signatories to the Convention. You may be required to have an International driver license to drive in some countries. Most of foreign car rental agencies may require you to have one to rent a car.
The November 8th, 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Traffic was amended in 2006. This amendment requires the international driver’s license to contain additional identifiable information pertaining to the Holder of the license. Titanfall Keygen Download Manager. Most Productive Serial Killer on this page. The purpose of this additional information is to aid law enforcement officers in case of an emergency or any other issue that may arise on the road involving the license holder.
An International Driver License allows an individual to drive a private motor vehicle in another nation when accompanied by a valid license from their home country. The document is slightly larger than a standard passport and is essentially a multiple language translation of one's own existing driver's license, complete with photograph and vital statistics. It is worth mentioning that most of national drivers’ license only contain few identifiable information that will help law enforcement officers abroad. This lack of complete identifiable information may cause problems such as, unnecessary penalty, the driver’s detention or forfeiture of the vehicle in a foreign country.