Generally, the majority of electrical devices are made up by a mechanical part and an electronic part. This electrical part consists in printed circuit boards, where the different components are connected by means of copper pathways on a board made of insulating material. The first step to obtain one of these printed circuit boards ( PCBs) is to design it using one of the specific tools on the market. One of the most popular ones is OrCAD. Gujrati Dandiya Songs Free Download Mp3.
OrCAD is the most powerful and intuitive tool to design printed circuit boards. The demo version offers you the possibility to evaluate the following functions: OrCAD Capture, OrCAD Capture CIS Option, PSpice A/D, PSpice A/A, OrCAD PCB Editor and SPECCTRA. The basic steps that have to be taken to design a printed circuit board with OrCAD are: 1. Design the circuit by creating the schematic in the 'Capture' module. Generate the circuit's netlist. Import the netlist to ' LayoutPlus'. Place the components and trace the pathways.
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Generate the files of its design. Once the design of the copper pathways on the board has been finished, and we have simulated the behavior of the design, the next step will be to design the PCB from an insulating material, like for example a photosensitive fiberglass board.
Support Online Help: Running PSpice 10.3 and Capture Running PSpice 10.3 and Capture PSpice 10.3 from Cadence/OrCAD is installed on all the workstations in the CSEE windows lab, JM550. It uses the OrCAD schematic editor 'Capture'. You can start it from the 'Capture' desktop icon. Before you use Capture or PSpice for the first time in the lab at OGI, you will need an OrCAD directory and a pspice.ini file.
We have provided a script that will create the directory and file for you. • Click on Start • Click Run • Type Applications • Open the OrCAD folder • Open the OGI-OrCAD_10.3 Note: the full path is: Applications OrCAD OGI-OrCAD_10.3 • Double-click on Install_Pspice.bat to run the installation script. This creates a directory for your Capture and PSpice files in your home directory: H: OrCAD and copies the default pspice.ini configuration file to that directory. PSpice simulations will fail ('model undefined' errors) unless you have a correct pspice.ini file. The pspice.ini file is updated with your settings (library and part choices, for example) when you run PSpice.
Another initialization file, capture.ini will be created and updated by Capture in H: OrCAD for your Capture settings. Now you are ready to run Capture and PSpice. You won't need to use the installation script again unless your pspice.ini file becomes corrupted. The installation script also copies PSpice demo files for your use into: H: OrCAD Pspice_demos. Starting Capture and PSpice 10.3 Use the Capture icon on your desktop or: Starting Capture (mouse click sequence): Start, Programs, OrCAD 10.3, Capture Capture can take from 5 seconds to 3 minutes (!) to load.
It is ready to use when the hourglass and brown OrCAD Capture splash screen go away. You can create a new project or open an existing project. After you have entered your circuit you can start PSpice from within Capture.
Click on the blue arrow icon to start the PSpice simulation. Displaying the PSpice help pages from within Capture Click on: Help, Help for Related Products, PSpice, Help Topics The help page: is a useful introduction for getting started with PSpice. The full manuals are also available from the help page. Creating a new project and schematic for simulating with PSpice From within Capture: File, New, Project From New Project Window: • Type in desired name • Select 'Analog or Mixed A/D • Select the directory location for your project • Click OK Now from within 'Create PSpice Project' window: Select 'simple.opj' or browse for another.opj file.
For example, one of your existing project files or you can browse to H: OrCAD Pspice_demos and try one of the demo designs. It is also OK to click on 'Create a blank project' though it is usually easier to start from an existing project or start from 'simple.opj'. Note: avoid the mistake of selecting File, New, Design. A 'Design' is meant just for using Capture to draw a schematic. It allows you to draw a fine schematic, but you won't be able to simulate it with PSpice!
You need a 'Project' in order to enter a schematic that you can later simulate with PSpice. Running the OrCAD supplied PSpice differential pair demo At OGI: • First, copy the example files from C: to your home directory.
With My Computer, find the folder: C: Orcad OrCAD_10.0_Demo tools PSpice Capture_Samples anasim • Copy that folder (including all subfolders) to your H: OrCAD folder (or any other convenient location). • Then from within Capture: File, Open, Project • From the Open Project Window: specify the folder where you placed the example.opj file and click on Open.
From elsewhere: • Install the 'OrCAD 10.0 demo' CD on a computer at home or work. • Open the example at: C: Orcad OrCAD_10.0_Demo tools PSpice Capture_Samples anasim example example.opj • A design resources window will open. Double click on: Design Resources,. Example.dsn, Example • Then double click on 'Page 1' to display the schematic page. • To start the PSpice simulation from within Capture: Click on the blue arrow icon. After the simulation is done a Probe window will open to plot the results. Libraries of interest for EE550/EE560 • Capture library pspice source.olbvac, vdc, vsin, 0 (for ground) also hides here • Capture library pspice analog.olbR,C,L • Capture library pspice nom.lib Use this in your PSpice library list (in simulation manager, libraries).
It is a list of all the parts supplied with PSpice. Libraries NOT OF INTEREST: • Capture library discrete.olb won't work for PSpice simulation, they are only useful for drafting purposes (for using Capture to draw a schematic).
Libraries of interest for EE561/661 Applications OrCAD OGI-OrCAD_10.3 PSpice_Demos GM4_mos.olb 3uNMOS, 3uPMOS parts for analog CMOS IC design This library and demo schematics for the GM4 parts will be downloaded to your home directory when you run the Install_PSpice.bat script (see above section 'How to get started with Capture and PSpice 10.3'). Placing ground symbols You can use any of the Capture library grounds as PSpice grounds as long as they are named '0'. There is only one predefined part in Capture that is named '0' Click on: Place, Ground, then select the library 'source.olb' to find the only predefined '0' part. You can use any of the other Capture ground parts, but you will need to change the part name to '0' (zero). For example, the conventional analog 'arrow' ground can be found in the library 'CAPSYM' named 'GND_SIGNAL'. To use it in a schematic as a PSpice ground, place the part and double click on it to change its name to '0' (zero).
Can't find the '0' ground symbol? You probably don't have 'source.olb' included as one of your part libraries. Click on: Place, Ground, Add Library, then use the Look in: box to browse for the library or use the the file name box and type in: C: Orcad OrCAD_10.0_Demo tools capture library pspice source then click on Open. Installation note We modified the startup properties for Capture so it starts in the Orcad directory within the user's home directory and maintains its initialization files there. Target: 'C: OrCAD OrCAD_10.3 tools capture capture.exe' -i 'H: Orcad' Startin: 'H: Orcad' By default PSpice uses the central pspice.ini file: C: OrCAD OrCAD_10.3 tools pspice.ini which causes all users on that PC to share the same pspice.ini initialization file. We edited the registry to force PSpice to use H: OrCAD pspice.ini instead of sharing the central pspice.ini file. Death Individual Thought Patterns Remastered Rar. Each user has their own private capture.ini and spice.ini files for initialization and for storing preferences.
Problems and Solutions Problem 1: PSpice runs, but I get error messages like: 'Model Q2n2222 used by Q2 is undefined' Solution: you need to have a valid pspice.ini file in your H: Orcad directory. See: at the top of this help page for installing a pspice.ini file.
You can also get this error if the PSpice library for the part is missing from your simulation profile. Add the library by clicking on PSpice, Edit Simulation Profile, Configuration files (tab), Category: library (pull-down list). Then type in the path to the library or browse for it. Then click on 'Add to Design' and OK. Capture library pspice nom.lib should be all you need listed for PSpice libraries in your simulation profile. It includes all the parts supplied with PSpice.
If you are using a custom library or special libraries for an OGI class, you need to list them as well as nom.lib. Note that the path to the library also has to be specified and be correct.:::::::::: This page was most recently revised on September 14, 2007. Please address questions or comments to the.