All depends on what you map a button to. The SB is fully midi, so nothing actually DOES anything unless it’s mapped. So if you map shift-vinyl to switch slip mode on/off then that is what it will do. Since shift-vinyl is dedicated to Slip mode when you use it with it’s native Serato, that is what slip will do.
For VDJ it will depend on the mapping. I am assuming when someone creates a mapping for a controller they will try to follow the way the buttons are marked on the unit as closely as possible. Log in to your account on the VDJ webpage (the one where you registered your serial key and downloaded the software), then go to the download section and download the basic mapping for the DDJ-SB.
Install this mapping and you should be basically good to go. If you want anything to function otherwise than in the default mapping, go to the VDJ wiki on the profile page (select your profile on the VDJ page, go to support ->wiki) and look for “midi mapping”.
Pioneer DDJ-SB2 Pioneer DDJ-SX2. Pioneer DJ Starter Pack. Mapping Forum; Sign In; Sign Up; Forum. Popular Forums. DJ Controller DDJ-SB. Psychology 8th Edition Gleitman Gross Reisberg Pdf Editor. Core ™ The Serato DJ Intro download page is displayed.2 Duo 2.0 GHz or better. Under “DDJ-SB” on the Pioneer DJ support site below.
The article there is pretty extensive and will show you how to do all of what you like to achieve. Basically VDJ is extremely open and you can do pretty much anything.