Is a Tamil serial that aired on the Polimer TV channel, every Monday to Friday. The serial is a dubbed version of Hindi Serial which was aired on the Colors TV channel. The serial portrays a refreshing love story which is set in a gangster backdrop where the character of Nakusha played by, a protagonist who has to wear black make-up for hiding her beauty.
Jul 19, 2014 Check out all the latest videos of Laagi Tujhse Lagan available in our India-Forums Laagi Tujhse Lagan Video Gallery Page 1 of 1.
Nakusha is the female lead character in the serial with a dark complexion is living in a close knit family, which includes her father, mother and a little brother. She wears a dark make -up in order to escape from the ill-fate that her elder sister met.
But a local corrupted police officer finds out the truth about Nakusha’s beauty. He soon arranges for his engagement to Nakusha. But Nakusha's mother comes to know about the sinister intentions of the police officer, who actually has plans for taking Nakusha to Dubai for the purpose of selling her. The whole family decides to runs away in order to escape from the police officer. Reaktor 5 Serial Number 2014 on this page. Whether Nakusha finally removes her fake makeup to and starts living a normal life and if the family managed to escape from being chased by the police officer, forms the rest of the story.
The serial's cast includes Mahi Vij, ',,,, and along with others actors. The serial was written by Vinod Ranganathan,, and. The directors of the serial were Vijay Chaturvedi,, Yash Chauhan and.
The Telugu dubbed version of the serial was aired in MAA TV. Poni Hoax Sigrid Rar Files here. Another version of this story.
“Aval Oru Thodarkathai” is a Tamil dubbed version of a Hindi tele-serial “Laagi Tujhse Lagan”, which was aired on thePolimerTelevision channel. Laagi Tujhse Lagan, the original Hindi version of ‘Aval Oru Thodarkathai’ was aired on the Colors Television channel and was also dubbed in Telugu. It was aired in Mauritius too. In this series, a beautiful fair lady, Sujatha, conceals her fair complexion with a dark makeup, because of some drastic circumstances and the story revolves around a rural gangster-background.
Sujatha, also called as Suji, feared the ill-fate her elder sister where many people misbehaved with her only because she was beautiful, and because of that she started wearing dark make –up to conceal her beauty, until a local corrupt officer finds out the truth about her real beauty and tries to marry her with the intentions to sell her. Suji then meets Prabhu and saves his life in one particular occasion and Prabhu, out of gratitude,decides to takes Suji and her family to his home as his Servants. Prabhu had isolated himself after he was betrayed by his ex-lover who had eloped with his employer, just for the sake of money. Suji, being a good friend, suggests Prabhu and convinces him in marrying a bride which was chosen by his mother.
Fate then plays a different role when the girl, with whom Prabhu is supposed to get engaged to, is actually in love with another guy and tries to elope with him at any given opportunity. Whileallthis was happening, Suji suddenly realises her love for Prabhu.What happens between Suji and Prabhu, and the hurdles faced by the two of them due to the constant scheming of some of their family members, potrayed in the rest of the series. T he serial was directed by Yash Chauhan and s produced by, Swaroop Sampath and. MahiiVij(asSujatha) is married to, she is a model-cum-actress who done lot of television shows as well as acted opposite ' in a Malayalam film.She has participated in a few reality shows and has also appeared on a popular show called Comedy Nights with Kapil. She has done many music video albums, besides movies and tele serials. Mishal Raheja(asPrabhu), after completing his Management course in America, he entered Television serials as an actor.He was nominated for many awards for his performance in Laagi Tujhse Lagan and has won the Lions Gold award in the year 2011. The other dubbed versions of the serial are - Laagi Tujhse Lagan in Hindi on Colors TV.