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Oct 08, 2011 Hacking Digital Cable. So with my 'internet only' plan I can stream movies / TV from Netflix. Time warner is following suit.
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Join us and become a cordcutter today. Get cordcutting advice on streaming boxes and live streaming and on demand services, antennas, and OTA DVRs. This subreddit is focused on the legal, reasonably priced options available. Posts promoting illegal content will be removed. The mods will remove offensive posts, spam, and posts encouraging fraud, but anything else it is your job as a community participant to report any issues to the mods. Cordcutters, Thank you so much for all the advice you have given me.
I had successfully cut the cord about a year ago. I just moved to a new area which is served by Time Warner. I bought the standard internet package for $35/m. Time Warner had to install a new line from the pole to the house due to the old line being cut.
Anyway, after three weeks of no internet access, it finally got fixed today. For shits and giggles, I tried connecting a coax cable to my TV (instead of my antenna) to see what would happen.the channel scan found 230+ channels, of which 90 actually have content. I am receiving MTV, AMC, etc.basically their whole 'Standard TV' lineup. Hosa Kalla Hale Kulla Mp3 Songs Free Download more. I double checked, and this is not on my account.
Does anyone know how this could happen (especially without a Digital Box from TW?)? I thought they would scramble all the channels or something.but it appears not? Edit: Most of these channels are in standard definition.
I would say that less than twenty are HD (mainly local HD channels). Edit x2: I also get ESPN, ESPN2, and NBCSN (Sports Network?). I don't watch Sports, but I know it is hard for people cutting the cord.this might be an option? If it wasn't installed during the install then no other tech is going to even bother worrying about it. The deal with the door to door salesmen is they will go to your apartments and knock on doors of non active customers and try their sale. If you don't buy then they disconnect you. The difference between an apartment and a house (OP specifically said from the pole) is any schmo with a lockbox key can connect or disconnect your cable.
It takes a ladder and tools (only sometimes but salesmen don't even risk it) to disconnect at a house. When I was going through the TW packages, all the TV packages required a box plus an additional fee for it. So I guess they might be transitioning soon or at least preparing for it? Is there a timeline online for areas that are transitioning? This transition is all new to me. I lived in Wilmington, and our city was the pilot city for the nation to first go all digital (in like 2010 or something?). We literally had the fire departments going to the homes of the elderly to make sure they had their converter boxes.
So the fact that places aren't digital yet is weird to me. Edit: We did it in how time flies!
'The TWC TV Roku Trial represents an important step in our evolution, giving customers more ways to view the content they love in ways that work for them,' Peter Stern, Time Warner Cable executive vice president, said in a statement. The service is aimed at subscribers of TWC's Extreme (or higher) Internet; sorry, the pilot requires customers to subscribe to the company's video service. Those in New York City, Mt. Vernon, and New Jersey can choose to add Time Warner Cable TV service to receive the same packages delivered to cable-box users. 'This trial will help us build a better experience for our customers, while making cable television programming even more affordable, accessible, and relevant to a new generation of consumers,' Stern said.