Windows Ce 6 0 Rdp Client Mac

Windows Ce 6 0 Rdp Client Mac 3,9/5 9236votes

Applies To: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016 You can use a Microsoft Remote Desktop client to connect to a remote PC and your work resources from almost anywhere using just about any device. You can connect to your work PC and have access to all of your apps, files, and.

Windows Ce 6 0 Rdp Client MacWindows Ce 6 0 Rdp Client Mac

Keyboard shortcut fans, or anyone looking to save time while working with a remote desktop session, will want to check this out. There are a handful of really helpful keyboard shortcuts that can make working with a remote desktop session a lot more productive.

But I find that very few people know about them and are delighted when they do learn of them. What I have to say here is a reprisal of a blog entry I did about 8 years ago. Sadly, the site on which I posted it ( is no more, and I'd been meaning for the longest time to resurrect some of the posts there, as they can be as valuable now as then. Thanks to the great, I found, as I've had more and more people say they had never heard of these capabilities, which still work today (from XP through Windows 2012, whether as host or remote). Here is the entry, originally posted April 25 2005 (with some slight tweaks adding section headings and a couple other updates as noted): If you're a keyboard shortcut fan, you may be annoyed when using Remote Desktop (when in windowed mode) that the Alt+tab flips among windows within your local desktop interface, when you may wish to instead for it to work on the remote desktop. Or, on the other hand, you may be working in a full-screen remote desktop and wish to use alt-tab against your local desktop. If in that case you would always minimize the remote desktop, there's a better solution by making the remote desktop a window and using a couple of great keyboard shortcuts--specific to working with Remote Desktop in a window--that I discuss here.

Toggling the remote desktop between windows and full-screen mode First, note that ctrl+alt+break switches Remote Desktop between full-screen and windowed mode. When in full-screen mode, all the keyboard shortcuts work within that remote desktop as you'd expect. Just knowing you can do that, alone, is powerful enough for some. Now, once the remote desktop is back in windowed mode, using alt+tab will work as normal on your desktop (and the remote session is also just another window, so easily selectable without using your mouse, to get back to it). But that's not all.

Of course, if you wanted to switch among programs in the remote desktop, you could just select that window, and use ctrl+alt+break to go back into full-screen mode on the remote, where alt-tab would now work in the remote (and you could revert the process to get back to your desktop). Doing equivalent of alt-tab within a windowed remote desktop But sometimes you may need (or want, when you know this next trick) to keep the remote desktop windowed, but move among windows WITHIN the remote desktop (when it's windowed). Must you resort to the mouse? Use Alt+PageUp (when the focus is on the remote desktop window). It then acts like alt-tab, but only on the remote. Check it out!

And to reverse the order of switching apps, as you would Shift-alt-tab, use Alt+PageDown. Update: If this doesn't work for you, consider a couple of things. First, you do have to be sure to have put the focus on the windowed remote desktop session. Second, you may find that you have more than one set of pgup/pddn buttons on your keyboard. Be sure to try both. I found on one laptop that those in the numeric keypad did not work, even when numlock was off, but there was another set of home/pgup/pgdn/end keys on the top right of the keyboard with which these keystrokes DID work.) Opening the Windows Start menu in a windowed remote desktop And when you keep the remote desktop windowed (since it's so easy to switch then among both local and remote apps), here's one more very helpful shortcut: you may wonder how to bring up the remote desktop's Start menu via the keyboard. Of course, if you just hit the Windows key (or ctrl+escape, another great shortcut) while looking at a windowed remote desktop, that shortcut will instead brings up your OWN desktop's Start menu.

Not what you wanted. You may think you have to finally resort to the mouse to bring up the remote Start menu. I see people do it all the time, fighting to slide their remote window scroller down so they can see the remote desktop status bar and start menu at the bottom of the screen, but NO, that's not the only way!:-) Use alt+home to bring up the remote desktop's start menu. Sending ctrl+alt+delete to the windowed remote desktop Finally, ctrl+alt+end will send the equivalent of Ctrl+Alt+Delete to the remote desktop. Hope these help. Some updates since my original 2005 post above: First, there are still more shortcuts that can be used against a windowed remote desktop than I'd listed originally, including: • alt+del (the delete key) to do the equivalent of alt-space in the windows remote desktop, which will open the 'window' menu in the top left of the selected window. This can be useful on the command prompt window at remote dektop, to do an edit>paste command to the command prompt.

• alt+ins to cycle through your remote desktop windows one at a time • ctrl+alt+plus (the + key) is the equivalent of PrtSc (the Print Screen button) which takes a screenshot of the remote desktop session, saving it to the the clipboard. (Well, it's supposed to. I have found it to work on some machines and then not on others.

Interesting.) Related to that is ctrl+alt+minus (the '-' key), which should be the equivalent of Alt+PrtSc, taking a screenshot of the currently selected window (only) on the remote desktop • If you know any others, let me know. Third, I'd like to point out that I find some references to other remote desktop keyboard shortcuts (from others and from ) which refer sometimes to keystrokes that I find just don't work against a windows remote desktop session (while others listed, like those above, do). Fourth, I want to be clear that I'm talking here mostly about keystrokes to use when working with a remote desktop in windows mode.

I sometimes see people taking about shortcuts that they 'use with remote desktop', but they really mean when the remote desktop is full-screen, in which case they really are just talking about keystrokes which are otherwise normally available on any Windows desktop, whether remote or local. They just may not be well known, such as ctrl+shift+escape to call up Task Manager, or ctrl-alt-esc which will minimize the currently selected windows, and so on. I will try to find and resurrect some old blog entries I have on these and other things that may have been lost on other places I blogged in the past.

Finally, just in case someone is searching for info on this stuff in the future, and they don't use a + sign to separate the shortcut keys, here they are listed with a minus instead: alt-tab, ctrl-alt-break, Windows-up/down arrow, alt-pgup, alt-pgdn, alt-home, ctrl-alt-end, alt-del, alt-ins, ctrl-alt-end, ctrl-alt-delete, ctrl-alt-plus, ctrl-alt-minus,. Let me know if these are helpful. The comments on the old entry back in 2005 (available via the wayback machine view of the page) show that certainly back then, many people were really happy to learn of these! I know I use most of them every day. If you work with remote desktop a lot and need to connect to many different servers then I highly recommend trying out RoyalTS from It allows you to easily manage many remote desktop sessions sorting into groups (great if you do consultancy work for clients), you can create sets of credentials to be used for auto login, you can create these per server, per group or one for all.

George Grant Lament For A Nation Pdf Download. You can set drive shares, auto run scripts, smart reconnect, smart resize and much more. Give it a try for free, it is available for Windows, Mac and IPAD/Iphone. Thanks, Russ.

Of course, that's not really related to the info I was sharing, but I appreciate that you're just wanting to share that you find favor with that particular tool.:-) For interested readers, I'll note that I use another one like it (Remote Desktop Connection Manager, free from MS at that seems to share most features. I sense there are a couple more that Royal adds, so others (and someday I) may want to give it a go. But I'm surprised there's been nary a peep otherwise about the shortcuts (out of about 500 views so far). Is it that people already knew of them? Or don't use remote desktop?

Or don't use keyboard shortcuts? Or saw too many words and stopped reading after the first paragraph or two?:-) Since it had engendered more appreciation when I posted it in 2005, and yet I still see very few people using these, I just am surprised to have heard no feedback. Just to clarify why I think it is related. The article (to me) is basically about making it easier to use Remote Desktop and making things simpler and more productive to use shortcuts. RoyalTS achieves the same goal, it makes life much easier and more productive when dealing with multiple RDP connections and managing servers, thus why I thought it was a relevant comment.

Sorry if you disagree. Yes you are right it is the same sort of tool as 'Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Manager', but with a lot more features and options.

Imagine Microsoft RDCM is like a text editor and RoyalTS is like Dreamweaver. On a side note, a suggestion to get past the problem that plagues you in that a lot of people do not like to read long wordy articles and will skip stuff or as you say stop after the first paragraph, you could adjust your writing style slightly and use a short summary and then following up with more details. So in the case of this article, the summary would just giving a list of the keyboard shortcuts and short description of what they do.

Followed by the more in-depth explanations and details. This is a common practice in written publications such as magazines, specifically technical ones. Why does this work? Simply it gets to the point across quicker before boredom sets in or attention is lost. Those that already have some knowledge on the topic will read the summary and that may be sufficient for them, they still gleaned something useful and read the important bits.

Those that do not already have knowledge or simply don't get it, will get the jist of it from the summary which will be enough for them to determine if it interests them enough to keep reading. Once their interest has been piqued, they will then willingly decide to keep on reading and will more likely read the whole article. Very long articles also benefit from being broken down into smaller chunks and given appropriate headings, so it is easier to readers to skip bits that are not of interest or which they already know without accidentally missing other chunks that they should have read. Hope that helps.

Thanks, Russ. Iron sharpens iron as we each help the other.

More on your great suggestion in a moment. But first, as for your saying that RDCMan is like a text editor compared to RoyalTS (as Dreamweaver), I just want to make sure you are not confusing what I mean. I am NOT talking about the remote desktop connection tool built-into WIndows. I agree that THAT is like using a text editor compared to an IDE.

RDCMan, on the other hand, is a free tool that must be downloaded from MS, and it offers what seem to be most of the same features you describe for RoyalTS: the ability to group remote desktop sessions, to store credentials at the server, group, or top level, and more. Moving on, great point about considering giving a more detailed 'summary' at the top. (Pardon a moment of self-justification: I say 'more detailed', because I do strive in the first paragraph or two of my notes to give 'a summary' of what's to come. I realize you're saying it's not enough, as compared to the style you're suggesting, and I agree. I'm just saying that I read a lot of blogs and articles that don't offer any summary up front at all. You have no idea what the thing is about, perhaps even from the title, until you've read several paragraphs or more.) But I agree, I could do better. Many of us write blogs as a a bit of 'stream of consciousness', where we don't know for sure what we'll say until we write it.

It then takes effort to go back and revise/edit/reorganize (and add headings, which I think I do pretty regularly already). But there's no doubt also that some of us, after spending an hour or more writing such blog entries, may then weary of continued fiddling and 'just go with it', and it's then sadly that a detailed top-summary as you ask for might go missing. We've just run out of steam. If we were being paid for our writing, and worked for a magazine with that as a style requirement, we'd of course slog on and do it before filing our article. When it comes to blog entries, it's then purely on our own recognizance. But I get what you're saying: if we feel that some may be reluctant to read on, then it's on us to do something about it. Thanks for the suggestion.

That said, my plea was more for any feedback on the features I pointed out. And my point was that some 'may see too many words and stop after the first paragraph or two'. I really was meaning that I think, regardless of how well one may do an initial summary, it seems there are some in the world who simply don't read something (an email, a blog entry) if it literally is more than a paragraph or two. Sadly, some subjects can't easily be distilled down so readily. But again I hear you saying that a writer should at least give it a shot.

I'll try to remember. Feel free (you or anyone) to nag me if you notice me failing. Windows 7 here.

Many of these keypress combinations don't work for me, such as the screen capture ones. But this may have something to do with the fact that my Windows client fails at clipboard sharing for reasons unidentified. On the other hand, surprisingly, an undocumented combination RightAlt+End without Ctrl produces for me the same effect as the documented Ctrl+Alt+End. I agree that the information posted by you is unknown to most people. Relevant Bing search yields only 580 results worlwide!* Perhaps the most relevant of which is Microsoft's own page** – with many of the remaining results sure to be the Internet junk. *) **) I also agree that it's useful.

Now add to this the fact that, today, more people than ever use remote desktops due to the rise of cloud computing. And you should see why I find it scary that your article was more popular a decade ago than it is now. It says something unsettling about the psychogeography of the modern Internet. Maybe modern, awkwardly optimised search engines are to blame for this in some part? Search engines seem to have lost neutrality, either in a misguided pursuit of meaning (driven by the plague of spam).

As an effort at manipulating minds of the masses. Some vaguely relevant reading: The reason why we engage in writing ('brain dump', or 'stream of consciousness' as you call it) is that thinking = translating descriptions from one paradigm (language, world, mind) to another. We need a target paradigm, in the form of a listening, even if only imaginary, audience, to be able to think at all.

(This applies to every sentient process in the nature, not just you, humans.) Writing a blog post, or a comment, makes this act manifold easier. I can also recommend Latin as another great 'catalyst of thought'. It's a magical language that does a lot of thinking for the speaker. It has a mind of its own, far from dead as such. Further reading: The bottom line: thank you for sharing that information! I'm sorry about the loss of your old website.

It sounds like it was a nice place. My favourite comment from the archived page: 'I love you man! Hopefully such days will come when every website will be more durable than the pyramids of Gizeh. Mithila, I just found this article from a search and ran into the same problem - very few of these worked for me. Then I realized it's because I almost alway run my remote desktops in Full Screen mode.

I rarely run them Windowed. But in Windowed mode they all worked for me. In full screen mode the normal windows keys works (except Ctrl+Alt+Del, e.g.). But finding Ctrl+Alt+Break to switch between full-screen and windowed was a very nice find. I know it's been a couple months since your post, but I hope this helps. @Raki, you seem to have misunderstood things.

The alt+pageup/down is not for use when you are IN a full-screen remote desktop. Instead it's for use when you are looking at a windowed remote desktop. That's really the crux of this blog entry: I was sharing shortcuts that work when you are viewing a windowed remote desktop (which is how it opens for most people, and that's why they find that their normal short-cuts like alt-tab work only on the local, and not the remote.) More to your comment, note that I had said, 'When in full-screen mode, all the keyboard shortcuts work within that remote desktop as you'd expect.' @Raj, well, that would be odd, if indeed you really are in full-screen mode on the remote desktop.

So could you clarify a couple of things? - do you have more than one thing open on the remote desktop? Just as otherwise, the alt-tab will do nothing if you don't have more than one application/window open to tab through - if you DO have more than one app open, are you in fact saying that when you do the alt-tab, it does NOTHING happen at all? That would be odd. - have you tried both alt-keys on your keyboard, in case your remote desktop may have sensitivity to not detect one of them - in fact, you may want to confirm if this problem you experience is true from multiple computers (on which you remote into the remote desktop) - finally, of course, If instead it's that you see the windows on our desktop, then you're not yet in full-screen mode on the remote.

Let us know if any of that helps. @charlie: Thanks for looking into this. My answer to your questions are mentioned below: - Yes, I have more than one window open inside my RD - Yes, there is no reaction for the Alt + Tab. - Yes, I tried with both the Alt Keys, but still nothing happens.

- Yes, this problem is there for all my colleagues who use RD. - No, I don't see any of our window. I am in full screen mode only. Vocabolario Italiano Portoghese Pdf File more. Last point from my end, even my network colleagues have looked into this issue and find this issue as odd.

I think it is some problem with the keyboard registry or some other system settings. Would be glad to know if any such basic things to be checked for this option to work.

Thanks in advance. @Raj, very interesting. I've not heard of alt-tab not working in a full-screen remote desktop. So to be clear, are you saying that the alt-pageup option also does not work, when that remote desktop is in windowed mode? Of course, that was the focus of this blog entry. I want to make sure you've tried that and are aware of the difference.

And when you say others have the same problem, you mean connecting to one server in particular, right? One that you all have this difficulty on? Finally, can you confirm if you have found this (alt-tab or alt-pageup) to work from your computer in remote desktop connections to any other servers, perhaps especially off your own network? That could help you know if the problem is in the server or perhaps even in the client, something your network folks may have somehow turned on. I can't think of any reason that there would be for someone to do that, knowingly.

It's not like using these keyboard shortcuts opens any security risk that I know of. They may have turned them off unknowingly, not realizing the impact of something they did. In fact, most don't even know about keyboard shortcuts (regular ones or these special ones I talk about here for use on a windowed remote desktop). Hope that may help. If not, then I'm afraid there's really nothing else I can think of.

But do report back, either way, so others can know how it went for you, and maybe someone else may chime in down the road if they come upon this. @Howard, when you click it, what exact message do you see? You say it says the connection will be terminated. I see that it 'your remote session will be disconnected', which disconnection seems what you want. Additionally, can you confirm that when you proceed, do you find that when you reconnect, your session has indeed logged off (meaning that you see the remote desktop open and proceed to go through all the steps done at initial login, so that any open programs were closed)?

Finally, if we can't resolve things, do you realize that at least you could use the start menu (on the remote) to choose disconnect (on the drop down that includes logoff, shutdown, etc.). Just found still another useful shortcut for when you are in a windows remote desktop: alt-delete will open the window context menu for the selected window. Normally, alt-space does that, but when you have a windowed remote desktop that will act on the remote desktop window itself, showing the menu (like when you click the top-left-most corner or icon in any windowed window). This tip can be useful when you're, for instance, in a windowed remote desktop, and have the command prompt window open, and want to access its properties to control things like the size of the command window and its display buffer, or its font, etc. Now you don't need to use the mouse to click on that window's top left corner to see these properties. Just use alt-delete. (Again, for any reading fast, that will NOT work when you're in either a full-screen remote desktop or on your own non-remote desktop.

In those cases, use alt-space.). @BHR, the answer is 'yes, depending'.

First, if you mean is there a shortcut that will do that in a windowed remote desktop (the subject of the shortcuts above), I'm not aware if there is one. There very well could be, and it would be nice to learn about and document here. But second, were you aware that there IS in fact a standard Windows shortcut for getting to the desktop? It's windows-d. But that's NOT going to pass into a windowed remote desktop. But if you do the ctrl-alt-break trick to maximize a remote desktop (while keyboard focus is on the remote desktop), then THAT will again cause ALL shortcuts to go to the remote, and you'd get what you want.:-) Let me know if that helps.

And @Ricardo, in reply to your kind comment back on 12/12, sorry I missed it, but thanks and really glad this was helpful for you!:-). Alex, thanks for the suggestion, but I find that if I press that key combo, it just does the same as alt-tab (in that it tabs through the local, not the remote, desktop). I do see it differs in that it leaves the list of available apps (to switch to) on screen, to then select with the mouse, whereas with the normal alt-tab, when you let it go it switches to the selected app. But again, I don't see it having any impact when looking at a 'windowed' remote desktop, the way alt-pgup does. Are you seeing otherwise? Charlie arehart said: FWIW, I experienced this problem today, and nothing would resolve it (I tried the private/incognito.

Charlie Arehart said: And here's code that uses the new v2 api (more on that at ). Charlie Arehart said: I will note that since writing this in 2009, the Harvest API had evolved to the point that 3 things. Charles Robertson said: Here is the link to the topic in the Coldfusion section of Adobe Forums. Charles Robertson said: I guess it was a knee jerk reaction after having almost having thrown my computer out of the window! A veteran ColdFusion troubleshooter who's used CF since 1997, Charlie Arehart is a longtime contributor to the community and recognized. He's written nearly 100 for the CFDJ, FusionAuthority Quarterly Update, Adobe DevCenter, CommunityMX and more, as well as hundreds of blog entries.

A contributor to books by Ben Forta et al, he was also co-author of the, CFMX Bible, and others. Charlie's a certified Advanced CF Developer and Instructor for each release since CF 4, and he's presented nearly 100 to hundreds of developer conferences and user groups worldwide. He's now an independent consultant and trainer living in south central Kentucky, and he runs the as well as the of recorded CF presentations from speakers around the world, as well as the repository listing hundreds of tools and resources for CFers. You can reach Charlie by email at, or you can follow him on twitter,. This blog is one resource among several within, where you can also find out. In fact, if you'd like his help, he's available for for as little as 15 minutes.

Appreciate any of the resources he's offered? Here's his Amazon Wishlist.:-).

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