Tncap Router Keygen Iphone

Tncap Router Keygen Iphone 5,0/5 8798votes

SpeedTouchXXXXXX - [0-9a-f] Len: 10 (Broken algo!) BTHomeHub-XXXX - [0-9a-f] Len: 10 (Broken algo!) BTHomeHub2-XXXX - [2-9a-f] Len: 10 BTHub3 - [2-9a-f] Len: 10 BTHub4 - [2-9a-f] Len: 10 BTHub5 - [2-9a-f] Len: 10 BTHub6 - [0-9a-zA-Z] Len: 10 or 12 see and. ThomsonXXXXXX - [0-9a-f] Len: 10 PlusnetWireless-XXXXXX - [0-9A-F] Len: 10 PLUSNET-###### - [0-9a-f] Len: 10 - Maybe reduced keyspace: [2-9a-f]? MEO-###### - [0-9A-F] Len: 10 See. - [2-9a-f] Len: 8 belkin.xxxx - [2-9a-f] Len: 8 Belkin.XXXX - [0-9A-F] Len: 8 Belkin_XXXXXX - [0-9A-F] Len: 8 BELL### - [0-9A-F] Len: 8 BELL#### - [0-9A-F] Len: 10 TP-LINK_###### - [0-9A-F] Len: 8 TP-LINK_#### - [0-9] Len: 8 (Easy!) TDC-#### - [0-9a-f] Len: 9 (Seen 2 and no 0 so maybe [1-9a-f] reduced key-space?) TNCAPXXXXXX - [0-9A-F] Len: 10 TRKASHI-###### -?d?d###### [Broken] TRENDnet - [Brute 6 digit] more details. ATTXXX - [0-9] Len: 10. Common AT&T DSL routers in the USA. WebCube#### - [0-9A-F] Len: 8 3WebCube#### - [0-9a-fA-F] Len: 8 WLAN1-XXXXXX - [0-9A-F] Len: 11 TelstraXXXXXX - [0-9A-F] Len:10 BigPondXXXXXX - [0-9A-F] Len:10 Useful info on TNCAP 2WIREXXX - [0-9] Len: 10. Common AT&T DSL routers in the USA. ONOXXXX - [0-9] Len: 10 DJAWEB_##### - [0-9] Len: 10 TIM_PN51T_XXXX - [0-9] Len: 8 - WPS pin is 12345670.

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And WPS can't be disabled. INFINITUM#### - [0-9] Len: 10 NETGEARXX - Adjective + Noun + 3 Digits. SSID: NETGEAR37 KEY: vastcoconut 260 CenturyLinkXXXX - [0-9a-f] Len: 14 (ouch!) Livebox-XXXX - Think this one is long so nearly impossible unless default algorithm is found.

Tncap Router Keygen Iphone

BrightBox-XXXXXX - [??] Len: 8 EEBrightBox-XXXXXX - [3 word with hyphens] See thread for details. Orange-XXXX - [2345679ACEF] Len: 8 TALKTALK-XXXXXX - [ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRTUVWXY346789] Len: 8 AOLBB-XXXXXX - [0-9A-Z] Len: 8 (Might be room for optimization here but not sure atm) UPCXXXXXXX - [A-Z] Len: 8 SKYXXXXX - [A-Z] Len: 8 Tech_XXXXXXXX - [A-Z] Len: 8 - Page 6. SKY keygen: Keenetic-XXXX - [a-zA-Z0-9] Len: 8 (Might be scope to reduce the charset but even so, large key-space) Virgin Media [abcdefghjklmnpqrstuvwxyz] Length 8 i and o omitted. VMXXXXXXX-2G [Same as above] VMXXXXXXX-5G [Same as above] VMXXXXXXX [0-9a-zA-Z] Len: 12 FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN #### - [0-9] Len: 16 EasyBox-###### - [0-9A-F] Len: 9 MobileWifi-xxxx - [0-9] Len: 8 (Easy needless to say) 3Wireless-Modem-XXXX - [0-9A-F] (4 XXXX digits on this are first 4 digits of key lol. See below image) UNITE-XXXX - [0-9] Len: 8 Verizon MIFIXXXX XXXX - [0-9] Len: 11 VirginMobile MiFiXXXX XXX - [0-9] Len: 11 E583x-xxxx - [0-9] Len: 8 E583x-xxxxx - [0-9A-F] Len: 8 Domino-XXXX - [0-9A-F] Len: 8 Netia-XXXXXX - [0-9a-f] Len: 13 Telecom-XXXXXXXX - [not-sure] (Looks difficult based on pic below) TEW-###DRU - 11 chars but crackable as below: I accept private hash lists, with forum donations only. BTC: 15qF9WUeFUD63ishxyAMiEgGqTcYzk4j9b GPU Power: 7x GeForce GTX 1070 and My Brain Status: Trusted Joined: Tue, 02 Aug 2011 Posts: 4598 Team: Reputation: 3003 Offline Mon, 04 Mar 2013 @ 15:14:18 Plusnet Broadband UK a-zA-Z0-9 Len:64! Only vulnerability is WPS on some older models. BTC: 1MmWESN5bKZ1YSuHrm5uNwnQYxWyQnEQ6E Status: n/a Joined: Wed, 25 Jul 2012 Posts: 21 Team: Reputation: 11 Offline Mon, 04 Mar 2013 @ 20:49:11 Are you also interested in routers outside the UK?

Buy Windows 8 Pro Digital Download. Admin / Owner Status: Trusted Joined: Tue, 05 Jul 2011 Posts: 2864 Team: Reputation: 3794 Offline Mon, 04 Mar 2013 @ 21:00:07 Yes I accept private hash lists, with forum donations only. BTC: 15qF9WUeFUD63ishxyAMiEgGqTcYzk4j9b GPU Power: 7x GeForce GTX 1070 and My Brain Status: n/a Joined: Tue, 26 Mar 2013 Posts: 52 Team: Reputation: 1 Offline Thu, 28 Mar 2013 @ 11:09:19 provider = AXIS ( uk ) router name = technicolor TG582n PRO network name = TNCAP39E8CB key = 5B018290C5 Status: n/a Joined: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 Posts: 1 Team: Reputation: 0 Offline Sun, 18 Aug 2013 @ 16:03:13 Has anybody ever found a default router key [A-Z] that included any of the following characters. My thinking is that because they could be mistaken for digits by users any key containing them should ideally not be issued, this would be good news for us because it reduces the number of possible combinations to brute-force. Not a lot I grant you, but every little helps. ( L and Q could also be regarded with some ambiguity as well) Status: Trusted Joined: Tue, 02 Aug 2011 Posts: 4598 Team: Reputation: 3003 Offline Sun, 18 Aug 2013 @ 23:27:33.

Has anybody ever found a default router key [A-Z] that included any of the following characters. Yes I have, it was a SKY router. BTC: 1MmWESN5bKZ1YSuHrm5uNwnQYxWyQnEQ6E Admin / Owner Status: Trusted Joined: Tue, 05 Jul 2011 Posts: 2864 Team: Reputation: 3794 Offline Tue, 17 Sep 2013 @ 10:03:36 Updated the router list at the top with the new BTHub4 details. Also attached a pic of one I worked on lol xD find it attached. I accept private hash lists, with forum donations only. BTC: 15qF9WUeFUD63ishxyAMiEgGqTcYzk4j9b GPU Power: 7x GeForce GTX 1070 and My Brain Attachments: to view attachments. Status: n/a Joined: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 Posts: 50 Team: Reputation: 20 Offline Tue, 17 Sep 2013 @ 11:13:23 2WIREXXX - 10 digit numeric key. Common AT&T DSL routers here in the USA. Status: n/a Joined: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 Posts: 139 Team: Reputation: 27 Offline Tue, 17 Sep 2013 @ 11:18:03 I think new Technicolor TG582n are 10 caracthers upper hex TNCAP-XXXX [ABDCEF] Len: 10 Status: n/a Joined: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 Posts: 9 Team: Reputation: 1 Offline Tue, 24 Sep 2013 @ 23:59:55 so info from cyprus i recently moved to the uk.

This is the wifi of cyprus mostly PRIMEHOME-85 # KEY FOUND! [ 9687dde4 ] PRIMEHOME-45 # KEY FOUND! [ 90808148 ] PRIMEHOME-51 # KEY FOUND! [ 16470F68 ] All primehome networks in cyprus have 8 crt long wpa encr.

On my pc it take max 2 days hope this will help you in some way Hello world:) Status: n/a Joined: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 Posts: 257 Team: Reputation: 308 Offline Wed, 09 Oct 2013 @ 17:00:40 Resuming my previous post about NETGEARXX networks: NETGEARXX access points (where XX are decimal numbers from 00 to 99) have default factory passwords. Each password is formed as follows: adjective + noun + 3 decimal numbers. Just found one the other day password AFTDTSXU OK thanks for the information Oh dear, that spoilt my plans LOL BTC: 1MmWESN5bKZ1YSuHrm5uNwnQYxWyQnEQ6E Status: Trusted Joined: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 Posts: 536 Team: Reputation: 622 Offline Thu, 03 Apr 2014 @ 18:38:08 Found using Reaver. Ignou Study Material For History Free Download.

PlusnetWireless01xxxx [54EB3102EB2991134D0BC4F7B5A1A9C68A3ED281001D] Are the BTHub5 the same as the other bthubs? 2-9 A-F Rab BTC: 19b8m63qe2hMchz7BBgyGudNPpTycJcRAQ Status: Trusted Joined: Tue, 02 Aug 2011 Posts: 4598 Team: Reputation: 3003 Offline Thu, 03 Apr 2014 @ 18:56:58. Are the BTHub5 the same as the other bthubs?